Forwarding Services


Due to its central location and the presence of numerous carriers and connections, the Hamburg-Rotterdam-Antwerp-Le Havre range is the ideal gateway between the European market and the rest of the world.
Over the past 30 years the ACB Group has built up excellent relations within the shipping community. We offer guidance and assistance in the complexity of all logistic services offered throughout the port range to connect you with your global customers and suppliers. No matter how complex your logistic requirements are.


In addition to our deepsea activities we offer our customers also an extensive Shortsea-network within Europe. We connect North West Europe with the UK, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Italy, Scandinavia, Baltics and Russia. Not only standard container types (20ft and 40ft)  but also 45 ft and palletwide equipment(allowing the same loading volume as trailer) are frequently available.

Shortsea solutions are sustainable,environmentally friendly, reliable and extremly cost effective. As a surplus they offer increased payloads, overall rate stability, stock possibilities and fixed loading and/or delivery times.

Modal Shift and Innovation facilitator

As the roads keep getting packed tighter and tighter with truck and car traffic, the ACB Group realizes that shippers throughout the globe are rethinking their logistical setup. In this respect the ACB Group and its partners focus more and more on modal shift actions and innovation. We assist our customers by developing out-of-the-box concepts. We do this without concessions on service and cost, but with the clear aim to reduce the exhaust of green house gases and the road congestion we all suffer from every day.
As an example: By rethinking the flow of white goods of Bosch Siemens Hausgeräte in Megatrailer, ACB and its partners have developed a 99m³ container that offers the loading capacity of a megatrailer with the intermodal flexibility of a container. Combinations with Barge, Rail and Shortsea between South-Germany and UK have lead to a modal shift from the road of more than 10000 full truck loads over the last 9 years. This initiative was rewarded with a subsidy from the Marco Polo Program (EU Commission)

Sea45 – Nvocc

In partnership with Contrade (Greece) and Transorient International Forwarding (Turkey), ACB Agencies has a Shortsea-NVOCC service between North-Western Europe and Greece/Turkey.
We offer 45PWHC containers as an economic and ecologic alternative with the loading capacity of a full trailer (33 europallets/26 blockpallets). This service offers multiple departures per week, both North- and Southbound.

For more details on schedules, equipment and advantages, please check


From 1 pallet to full loads, all your shipments can be handled. For Intra-European distribution and for worldwide shipments. We can offer LCL and LTL services for palletized and conventional cargo.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any request.


As most customers are looking for  a one-stop shop solution for their logistic requirements, the ACB Group also offers customs-formalities for your all your shipments. Import,export, bonded storage, fiscal representation,…. everything is possible, tailored upon the need of the customer.
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ACB Group can provide you with a perfect solution that suits your needs.

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